Thursday, May 8, 2014

Take me to the sea

Take me to the sea.
Take me somewhere the sun and the light can hit me.
This way I'll see through you
and maybe you'll see through me.
Take me to the sea.
Take me there so that my feet can meet the sand.
and the water.
and the waves.
Take me to the sea.
Take me there so that the waves can wash off my fear.
and my nerves.
and my insecurity.
Take me to the sea.
but swim with me.
swim deep.
Take me to the sea and keep me there until the tide wash off my wall.
Keep me there until you can't see it no more.
and I'll get to you.
and you'll get to me.
No fear.
No nerves
No insecurity.
No wall.
Just you, me and the sea.


Self Portrait

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