I grow flowers.
I always have.
I do my own thing because it is only me.
and it will be only me for quite some time.
I grow flowers.
I plant my own seeds and grow them.
But sometimes I find myself watching them die as well.
I sit and watch.
and I watch them fade.
I watch the weather do its thing.
the heat do its thing.
I watch the world do its thing.
and sometimes I sit there not doing my thing.
I grow flowers.
I plant my own seeds and grow them.
but yes, sometimes I grow them and kill them.
sometimes I never let them bloom.
I want to let them bloom.
I want them to bloom so much so that I could get lost in them.
get lost in a beautiful garden.
get lost in such beauty and never be found.
I want to live in a never dying garden.
a never dying spring.
a never dying happiness.
But I am human.
and just like everything else I will die too.
Self Portraits
May-July 2015
(I took this photos in May and I just got around to upload them)
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