Monday, January 21, 2019

Him & I

I believe you should tell every story from the beginning.
And you started on late August.
only to end in the rain of July.

On that rainy day one part of the story ended, but another one began.
One where you are still in it.
Its different, but its what we’ve got.

Him & I
Living between 4 am calls.
Trying to navigate the life you’ve built for yourself but holding us tight like a grenade in the palm of your hand.

Like expected, the beginning was the best part.
building stories in every city we visited, just you & I.
No distractions from our real life.
No distractions from what we had to come back to.

I also believe that after a certain period of time sometimes we stop writing about something in particular,
But, I wonder,
Will I ever stop writing about you?

Will I ever look back at what I write and say hi to the ghosts?
My ghost.
Him & I.

Like expected, that day in July was not the best part.
The rain reminded me of that as I sat barefoot on the street hearing you talk.
That is an image I promised myself to never let it happen again.
To reduce myself to that.
To reduce myself before you.
or her.
or anyone.

And just like expected, days later your call came in again.
and again, and again.
risking everything.
You & I.
Navigating through what is left.
touching what is left.
enjoying what is left.
Kissing what is left.

You can still come closer.
This time there will be no August nor July.
This time there will be no rain.
No month will define what we are.
This time I won’t be barefoot on the street.
I won’t let it.

Keep calling.
Keep coming.
I’ll keep writing.
against all odds,
about You & I.
