The other day i found an image with a very interesting thought:
"If you want to know what someone fears losing watch what they photograph"
It got me thinking.
I am a photographer, or at least i call myself one.
My work is mainly self portraits.
Conceptual, Fine Art. Call it as you want.
I took a brief look at my work with this thought in mind to see if what i fear losing actually translates into my work.
And then i stumbled onto these pictures from last November that I never published before because I was unsure.
And then it hit me.
I was looking at myself in this picture.
A picture of me with no face, no expression, all of me vanishing into thin air.
In one of them you can actually see my profile as a shadow on the wall, but the real me has no face.
Something I sometimes brag about having, something I always worry I may not.
Something that I decided to grab by the hand. Something that i realized I'm afraid of losing.
It's not that I'm afraid of going insane, but of instability.
And of making myself believe all of it.
Probably the main topic of my work.
Maybe in a few years I'll ask myself the same question.
Maybe in a few years I'll ask myself the same question.
What are you afraid of losing?
And I'll take a look at my work.
And maybe it won't be me anymore on those pictures.
And maybe it won't be me anymore on those pictures.
And I'll say I'm afraid of losing something else.
or SOMEBODY else.
But instead of fearing losing that, I fear I may not find it.
Self Portraits.
Hey, i just created a tumblr. I wanted to change platforms and move all of my posts from this blog to my new tumblr and i already did but i still don't know how it works or how to post, how to share images from my flickr, from this blog, etc.
Once i find out I'll be posting there.
Go check it out: