Sunday, January 15, 2012

Winter Winds .

   I have about 6 ours left of winter break and i'll be spending those 6 hours trying to sleep but i know i'll fail. I'll go to school without any sleep on my body and mind and i'll try and carry a smile around for the entire day, thats what i do almost every day .

   This past december i had time to be me, had time to go to bed really late, overthink stuff nobody else would bother on thinking and to get nostalgic as usual, but this time the good nostalgic .
I've been thinking about one thing lately...luck. Do you believe on luck? it really doesn't matter if we believe or not but it does happen for some people. I've never been lucky, i mean i consider myself lucky for everything i have but i'm talking about the other type of luck, that luck that makes you think or that makes you happy . That luck that happens when you less expect it and change things for good. I really wish i was that kind of lucky person, but for me the more i want things the less they happen so i'll leave it there.

Lets see what this year brings for me, and i hope that after this summer big changes will actually happen, or why not.. maybe sooner.

 Here are some random film pictures i took this past month, just experimenting with film. ALSO i had a photo shoot this week with a friend of mine so i'll add some pictures as a sneak peak of my next post.

 Film self portrait .

 My dog, cocolisa.

 Working late at night .

 Bad picture of me and my dog infront of the christmas tree .

 Books by candle light.


 Me playing the piano.


These are film. but i also shot some digital, i'll show them all on my next posts, i'm improving my skills on editing film.

enjoy .


Monday, January 9, 2012

Revelry .

    I've been out of words lately, theres nothing major happening in this town and i'm about to start another semester full of nothing to do but work and projects.
  This winter vacations felt a little bit like the good old times, my friends where in town. I really didn't know how much i miss the good old times until i start to really have fun like i used to.
Please 2012, give me something good! i know something will happen, i know .
I really need to blog more, oh and i changed the blog a little bit, just to have a fresh new start! 
Nothing interesting to talk about so now, pictures.
These are kinda different to what i am used to do, i almost never use warm tones or warm colors on my self portraits so i changed things up a bit for my first self portraits of the year, here they are :

ask something!

All pictures by me.

Monday, January 2, 2012


i don't want to complain about my 2011, i wish i had just positive comments about it. Nothing REALLY bad happened but it was a tough year, maybe i learned a thing or two in this 2011.
 Finally we are on 2012 and as this is my first post of the year i just want to pour happy and positive thoughts on me, i need them, i need to make  this year better and bigger than the last one .
I hope 2012 will be a year full of happines, friends, new people, travels, work, life and more .

Haven't take pictures since i'm in vacations and i'm resting, plus i've been sick this entire time! first stomach  flue then a really bad cold but i'll be soon shooting some film hopefully BUT i have no other pics to show you. What i'm going to do is to show you a few photographs of 2011 and how it all went.
 My 2011 started by me moving out to a new city to study photography, stayed there for a semester and unfortanately had to move back home again due to some problems, spent summer and the entire year here in my hometown, new school, different life.
Hope this 2012 brings lots of good things to me and to everyone, and i hope i can move out again this year and travel lots .

I really wish this post an these words were a little bit more "poetic", promise that for next posts.
and now, random pics of 2011.

                  first self portraits in the new city i moved to on january.

cold day in Monterrey near my birthday.

Me by the window.
Me at a parking lot before exploring the city with my sister to take some photographs.

City at night by the car .

5 de Mayo street.

  Cell phone pic of Elle Girl korea magazine where they had an article with some of my photographs of my bedroom.

Exploring Downtown with my sister. (iphone pic)

Man playing the saxofon at downtown.

 A wall of the photo studio at my ex school.  cellphone pic. 

My cousin on left and me on the right. We lived together.

Nostalgia thoughts by the window after returning home .

My hometown.


Spent my summer painting.

 My bag looked like these on photo days.

 My car, my dog and me. (film)

That was a little bit of my 2011, i'll make sure to document my life on photographs.
Go ahead and ask or say something on formspring, would like to hear from you.